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Prison, Poetry, Martyrdom: Saida Menebhi & the Moroccan Years of Lead


A selection of poems by the Moroccan Marxist, feminist and poet Saida Menebhi, who died in prison on hunger strike in 1977, aged 25, after being imprisoned for her political organising against the Moroccan state.

Translated from French to English for the first time, the zine contains a selection of the poems Saida wrote during her time in prison, shortly before her death. It also includes an essay on the Years of Lead in Morocco - specifically the 70s - as well as the conditions of prison, hunger strikes, poetry, and martyrdom (from an internationalist position: including Bobby Sands and the republican hunger strikes).

| €3.50 plus €2 P&P to anywhere in the world.

Published by See Red Press, 2021; second printing 2023.
Printed at L'Impatience, Marseille.

Free to anyone who want a copy and can't afford it.
Get in touch: [email protected] |